Friday, February 10, 2017

A Day in Paradise

I loved field trips as a student. It was filled with so much excitement that no matter where we went, it was FUN just being with friends and classmates. When I started teaching in 1997, I began to look at field trips as something not just fun, but SPECIAL and truly meaningful. As a teacher, it is a chance to see my students in a different light. It is always pure joy to watch them just being kids having fun. When I see the happiness in their smiles, my heart swells. Yesterday's trip was extra special. The bond between parent and child, the laughter and giggles they shared, the cheers, the encouragement each mom and dad gave, the way their eyes lit up with pride  when their little ones crossed those tight ropes and hanging bridges... Wow. These are moments when I feel truly grateful. Not everyone can see what I see through these God given lenses 😊 Thank You, Lord for making me a teacher! 

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