Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cagbalete Island

Our journey to Mauban, Quezon began at 4am as planned. We had our first stopover at Jollibee Sta. Cruz for a very quick breakfast and rest for our 
driver, Daddy Rey :)

We left the car at the pay parking for tourists in the town of Mauban. They charge Php 150 per night. From there, we took a tricycle to the Port Area where we registered for our 40-minute boat ride to Pansacola Resort which is found at the tip of the island of Cagbalete. It was quite a long wait ( 3 hours!) as it was Labor Day weekend. But it was worth the wait! (Note: Php 70 per head for the boat ride)

At around 2pm, we were already checked in and settled at Pansacola Resort. 

Here is a picture of our Treehouse!!!

under the treehouse is the dining area and a very comfortable hammock :)
When it was time to hit the water, we realized we were missing a bag! The one that had ALL of Uan's and Mito's clothes! Fortunately, the owner of the resort was there and gladly helped us retrieve the bag. She immediately contacted the Tourist Port and had our missing bag located and returned to us. All's well that ends well! :)

No words can describe the beauty of the island and the wonderful experience we all shared as a family. So here are snapshots of our Cagbalete Island experience!  ( Note: All photos are without filter!)

breathtakingly beautiful.... it's like a giant pool! :)

At night...
the resort had fireworks and fire dancers each the boys' delight!
my family :)

my b, our trei and myself 

my 4 boys enjoying the water and some bonding time!

me and my b :)

We left the island with a heavy heart that was happily filled with memories that will last a long, long time....
the locals patiently transport the visitors to the boat

they didn't get seasick anymore...thanks to the calm waters and....Bonamine! :)

 My heart is forever grateful for my family and so many blessings we are given each day. 
thank you so much to my b for a most wonderful summer vacation to remember! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mito's Journey Begins

"I don't want to go to school, mom..." Those were your words, said each day with many tears, when I told you you'd be going to school soon. When asked, you would say "My mom is my teacher and my school is my home." Always the brave little one, you went anyway...and you've been having FUN since day one! Today as you stood and walked to receive your very first medal, my eyes filled with tears and my heart with so much pride. Your goal was the Gold, but to me and dad, your Bronze is just as good and YOU are our Gold. Like what Mr. Ramelle said in his speech, and as you continue to reach for the stars, our prayer is for you TO LIVE JESUS IN YOUR HEART. Forever.  
May each day find you taking little steps towards making your many dreams come true. May your journey be filled with wonder and countless beautiful moments. We love you, Mito Budi! You are our JOY! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Setting Goals and Making Dreams Come True

...and so I am thinking of doing something for each month of this year. 

For January, it was learning to drive. What can I do this February? 

My heart tells me I'm going to bake a CAKE :) 

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Road Called Life

January has been amazing. A great way to begin this year. I did something I thought I could never learn--drive! I had always been content being a passenger all my life and just left the driving to Dad, Mom, Kuks, and now Rey--who gave me driving lessons as a Christmas present. He enrolled me in a short 5-hour course. Looking back, I realized how "fear" had kept me from doing more. I was always afraid of this, afraid of that... Too many what if's. It's true regret comes in the end, when too much time had already been wasted. When mistakes and wrong turns can no longer be undone. But then, life is not a straight road. It does not run in straight lines. It is a combination of rough and smooth ways. One only needs to follow the path that is right, no matter how bumpy the road gets. Driving is not about knowing where to go all the time. We get lost. We get scared. Driving is about trust. It's about Faith. Though I know how to drive now, I know I'm not not behind the wheel. He is. And that's how I know I'll get to where I need to go. I am in the best hands, and all will be well.